I was the team lead for a consumer sensory evaluation study for a flagship brand, FMCC company (Local biscuit manufacturer). The company is a market leader in the confectionary market in Ghana with most of its biscuit brands being market leaders in their respective segments. The study was required to test the viability of a new variant of one of their flagship brands along sensory parameters and ahead of product launch. The study was to provide insights into which elements of the formulation performed worse against key competitors and required review.
FMCC company (Snack manufacturer).
FMCC company (Snack manufacturer).
FMCC Assignment
Route to Market Strategy Research for Snack Brand
I was the team lead for a Market Strategy Research study for a flagship brand, FMCC company (Snack manufacturer). The company undertook a route to market strategy research ahead of its launch in the year. The research was required to identify gaps in the snacks category in Ghana that could be exploited by the product and its market positioning. The study also involved a consumer sensory evaluation of the product formulation with the view to identifying gaps with the product along sensory dimensions. Ultimately market insights were required to assist the company with product development, marketing communications, market development and product penetration strategies.